Southern Jewel Dog Rescue

Southern Jewel Dog Rescue is a non-profit organization started by Shelly and Curtis Bookwalter of Last Chance Highway on Animal Planet.
Shelly has committed a large part of her life to saving and finding loving forever homes for the dogs that she rescues. Shelly has been saving dogs for most of her life. Shelly and her team save as many dogs as they can off “death row” from Shelters in North Mississippi, South West Tennessee and some of the New England States.

Curtis is the co-founder and President of Southern Jewel Dog Rescue.
Curtis has been a animal lover his entire life and together with his wife Shelly has been saving dogs for over 16 years. Curtis’s goal is bring awareness to over population do to the lack of spay and neuter laws and to grow SJDR so that they can save as many dogs as possable over the coming years.